Tuesday, May 11, 2010

There is a saying which appears 14 times in chapter one of this week’s Parsha Bamidbar. It is written for each tribe just before their count and just after the word שמות or שמת (names) is mentioned. In a former finding it was shown how the different usages of the word “names” lead to a gematria about Moshiach ben Dovid. The saying is given below with an interesting code in it.
כל זכר מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה כל יצא צבא
The word המלך (the king) is coded here with a two skip starting with the ה of the word שנה. Notice that this whole phrase is used 14 times. 14 is the gematria of David. He is known as Dovid Hamelech (king David). He is the predecessor of Moshiach ben Dovid. The word המלך can also refer to The King, Hashem, who will bring back the throne of King David with the Moshiach.
The phrase says “all men from 20 years of age and up, all who were able to go to war.” There are two concepts here. One is that only from men do we get our king. The second is that we must be willing to wage war (done with Hashem’s blessings) to be able to gain the kingship. This war could be physical but it could also be spiritual. Children are not held totally accountable for their sins, adults are. Adults must fight against spiritual decay. True a child must be given chinuk (education) in order to prepare the future adult, but it is the adults who will ultimately bring back the throne of Dovid.

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